Rants, Raves, and Vents of College Admissions Officers

Gather a group of college admissions officers together, and they’ll be happy to share their pet peeves. Admissions essays are often the culprit for stories like these like a student getting into their love of one school while applying to a completely different school. Dull essay topics can hurt an applicant’s chance of admission. Admission officers have read about every version possible of “The Big Game” or how grandparents and parents are their most influential people. 

Using a thesaurus too often to try to impress typically backfires. A 17-year-old should not sound like they’re in their forties. Not answering the essay prompt is a surefire to let the reader know you’ve attempted to substitute a generic college essay for what’s being asked. Proofreading is so important; be sure to have multiple people look over your essay to make sure it conveys your message and to spot any errors.

“Helicopter” parents, or over-involved parents, can raise concerns. YOU are the one attending the school, so YOU should be the one contacting the admissions office. A favorite rant of admissions officers is the parent who says, “We are in the process of applying to your school.”

Awkward or inappropriate email addresses or voicemail messages, questionable social media, etc. can raise admissions officer’s eyebrows. Be sure to remain professional when conversing with admissions officers over email and phone.

Even in-person college visits have their rant-able moments. Refrain from wearing a college sweatshirt from College A when visiting College B. Stay engaged on your college tour or info session instead of constantly on your phone.

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